Wednesday, November 19, 2008

18-11-2008 (Tuesday)

1. HK - HK unemployment rate is 3.5% (increase 0.1% since world financial crisis)
Since September and October. The unemployment rate is high in 97, and 03 (SARS) and October 08. HK government predict that the rate will increase.

Labour Department Job Center said the vacancy of job increase to 3%.

2. CitiGroup plan to cut off a total of 50,000 employee worldwide.

3. Taiwan - Shopper in Taiwan will be handed more than $100 in redeemable vouchers in a government bid to beat the global credit crisis.
The government has prescribed some retail therapy for the economy. It follow japan step in 1999 where japan government also handle redeemable vouchers.
However, some feel that this will not curb in long term as most people use the vouchers and save own money.

3. China- China's president Hu JinTao has signed a series of trade and investment accords with Cuba during a landmark visit to the island.

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